Marietta Fafouti (musician) is writing for Giannis Sevdikalis, the athlete who managed an athlete who managed to overcome the difficulties and now participates in Paralympic Games.

Something happened four years ago. A beautiful, bright young man was involved in a very misfortunate accident. While cycling back from work, he found himself under a train and lost both his legs.

Back then we put a gig on in Votanikos to raise money for his prosthetic limbs. I went around his place to meet him after his first surgery. I was nervous, hurt and angry about what had happened to him. I will never forget his broad smile as I walked in his house. Almost as if he was simply fighting a common cold. I said “Yiannis, I know what happened was a tragic mishap. I don’t know what to say.” He turned around, a beautiful smile flashed across his face, and he replied “Mishap? I got ran over by a train and I am still here talking to you. That is luck! Nothing can stop me now.”

Something happened four years ago. A beautiful, bright young man became superhuman. Today, four years later, he has achieved what very few people would even dare dream of – he will take part in the Special Olympics in Rio on September 12th, and he has already broken the European record in Long Jump and Javelin throw. To top it all off, he also played Zeus in Karathanos’ adaptation of Aristophanes’ “Birds”.

I don’t know and don’t care whether he wins a medal at the Olympics. What I care about is that in this person’s eyes I see light, fire, optimism, faith, gratefulness and true happiness. I see a beautiful, strong man whose life is full of friends and family that love him to pieces. But most of all, I see a man that turned an incredibly difficult situation into an easy one in just a moment.

Giannis Sevdikalis I love you with all my heart, I admire you, and I will always be thankful because you made me a better person. Good luck my love one! Whatever happens you make us proud!

P.S. When we spoke about a week ago he said “See? We did it afterall”

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