No “Je suis Irianna” on Social Media profiles, young intellectuals do not identify themselves to her case, no anger from those who are outraged with brain drain abroad, feminists do not distinguish the sexist assault in her case: A young woman, scientist is associated by force with the Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei (terrorist group), and is imprisoned for 13 years, based on a partial and controversial sample of DNA, even though the court order itself speaks of non-existent findings. There is also one more detail that has motivated the treatment she enjoys by prosecution and judicial authorities:

According to the first section of the accusation, the only “bond” is her relationship with her fellow, who has been accused of assembling, joining and participating in terrorist group, according to the article 187 of Civil Code, in 2011. Her fellow is another young person who has been targeted by the prosecution authorities, with the latter pursuit strenuous efforts to link him with the terrorism. These efforts were unsuccessful since in his case justice has been blind as it should be, and the young man has been acquitted without conditions, unanimously by the three-member court of appeals.

Numerous lines are written in the press about the brain drain abroad, influential political and artistic persons drop tears for new scientists who “leave” their countries, address compelling appeals to the political leadership to find solutions and some call these young people even “traitors”. But where is the passion for Irianna, a young woman who has stayed here, a scientist who gives the battle to cure her science here at the public university, exhausting her opportunities here, in the gloomy landscape of unemployment, insecurity and deprived of her freedom overnight?

What does Irianna symbolize for every young person who stays here? What does it mean for the struggles we are called upon to give for fundamental rights? What does it mean to each one of us that one of us are in prison now, even though there is no incriminating evidence? What does it mean to us all who are guilty? Where are strikers, activists, that we want the park not to be parking, we are anti-racists, we do not tolerate and protest repression and arbitrariness?

Do we think that Irianna is not one of us? Does not her imprisonment flood us with anger and anxiety? It does not matter folks … In a while we can see her situation and the world different: With despair, behind a small loft, with palms wrapped tight around bars, at the prison cell next to her.

Translation: Mariniki Koliaraki

Το 3point magazine είναι ένα οριζόντια δομημένο μέσο που πιστεύει ότι η γνώμη όλων έχει αξία και επιδιώκει την έκφρασή της. Επικροτεί τα σχόλια, την κριτική και την ελεύθερη έκφραση των αναγνωστών του επιδιώκοντας την αμφίδρομη επικοινωνία μαζί τους.

Σε μια εποχή όμως που ο διάλογος τείνει να γίνεται με όρους ανθρωποφαγίας και απαξίωσης προς πρόσωπα και θεσμούς, το 3point δεν επιθυμεί να συμμετέχει. Για τον λόγο αυτόν σχόλια ρατσιστικού, υβριστικού, προσβλητικού, σεξιστικού περιεχομένου θα σβήνονται χωρίς ειδοποίηση του εκφραστή τους.

Ακόμα, το 3point magazine έχει θέσει εαυτόν απέναντι στο φασισμό και τις ποικίλες εκφράσεις του. Έτσι, σχόλια ανάλογου περιεχομένου θα έχουν την ίδια μοίρα με τα ανωτέρω, τη γνωριμία τους με το "delete".

Τέλος, τα ενυπόγραφα άρθρα εκφράζουν το συντάκτη τους και δε συμπίπτουν κατ' ανάγκην με την άποψη του 3point.

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